Ac, Th, Pa, U, Np, Pu, Am, Cm, Bk, Cf, Es, Fm, Md, No, Lr

Name: Actnium
Symbol: Ac
Atomic Number: 89
Atomic Weight: 227 (most stable) g/mol
Oxidation States: 3
Boiling Point: 3470 K
Melting Point: 1324 K
Density: 10,07 g/cm3
Electron Configuration: [Rn]6d1,7s2
Crystal Structure: Cubic, face centered
Electronegativity: 1,1
Thermal Conductivity: 12 W/(m K) (at 300 K)
Specific Heat Capacity: 0,120 J/(g K) (at 300 K)
First Ionization Potential: 5,17
Atomic Volume: 22,5 cm3/mol
Atomic Radius: 1,88 A
Synthetic: No
Discovery: 1899; by Debierne in Paris, France
Note: soft, shiny metal; extremely rare; glows in the dark; radioactive; only a trace exists in the earth's crust; can be manufactured in nuclear reactors

Name: Thorium
Symbol: Th
Atomic Number: 90
Atomic Weight: 232,0381 g/mol
Oxidation States: 4
Boiling Point: 5060 K
Melting Point: 2028 K
Density: 11,72 g/cm3
Electron Configuration: [Rn]6d2,7s2
Acid/Base Properties: Basic
Crystal Structure: Cubic, face centered
Electronegativity: 1,3
Heat of Vaporization: 543,92 kJ/mol
Heat of Fusion: 15,65 kJ/mol
Electrical Conductivity: 7,1 106 (Om cm)-1
Thermal Conductivity: 54 W/(m K) (at 300 K)
Specific Heat Capacity: 0,113 J/(g K) (at 300 K)
First Ionization Potential: 6,08
Atomic Volume: 19,90 cm3/mol
Atomic Radius: 1,80 A
Covalent Radius: 1,65 A
Synthetic: No
Discovery: 1829; Berzelius; Stockholm, Sweden
Note: shiny metal; radioactive; used as nuclear fuel and in camping lantern mantles

Name: Protactinium
Symbol: Pa
Atomic Number: 91
Atomic Weight: 231,0359 g/mol
Oxidation States: 5, 4
Boiling Point: 4300 K
Melting Point: 1845 K
Density: 15,4 g/cm3
Electron Configuration: [Rn]5f2,6d1,7s2
Acid/Base Properties: Basic
Crystal Structure: Orthorhombic
Electronegativity: 1,5
Electrical Conductivity: 5,6 106 (Om cm)-1
Thermal Conductivity: 47 W/(m K) (at 300 K)
First Ionization Potential: 5,88
Atomic Volume: 15,0 cm3/mol
Atomic Radius: 1,61 A
Synthetic: No
Discovery: 1917; Hahn & Meitner; Berlin, Germany
Note: shiny metal; radioactive; found in uranium ore; extremely rare; rarely used

Name: Uranium
Symbol: U
Atomic Number: 92
Atomic Weight: 238,029 g/mol
Oxidation States: 6, 5,4,3
Boiling Point: 4407 K
Melting Point: 1408 K
Density: 18,95 g/cm3
Electron Configuration: [Rn]5f3,6d1,7s2
Acid/Base Properties: Amphoteric
Crystal Structure: Orthorhombic
Electronegativity: 1,38
Heat of Vaporization: 422,58 kJ/mol
Heat of Fusion: 15,48 kJ/mol
Electrical Conductivity: 3,6 106 (Om cm)-1
Thermal Conductivity: 27,6 W/(m K) (at 300 K)
Specific Heat Capacity: 0,12 J/(g K) (at 300 K)
First Ionization Potential: 6,05
Atomic Volume: 12,50 cm3/mol
Atomic Radius: 1,38 A
Covalent Radius: 1,42 A
Synthetic: No
Discovery: 1789; Klaproth; Berlin, Germany
Note: soft, shiny metal; radioactive; reacts with oxygen; used as nuclear fuel

Name: Neptunium
Symbol: Np
Atomic Number: 93
Atomic Weight: 237,0482 g/mol
Oxidation States: 5, 6,4,3
Boiling Point: 4175 K
Melting Point: 912 K
Density: 18,95 g/cm3
Electron Configuration: [Rn]5f4,6d1,7s2
Acid/Base Properties: Amphoteric
Crystal Structure: Orthorhombic
Electronegativity: 1,36
Electrical Conductivity: 0,8 106 (Om cm)-1
Thermal Conductivity: 6,3 W/(m K) (at 300 K)
First Ionization Potential: 6,19
Atomic Volume: 21,1 cm3/mol
Atomic Radius: 1,30 A
Synthetic: Yes
Discovery: 1940; McMillan; Berkeley, California
Note: shiny metal; does not occur naturally; by-product of uranium fuel

Name: Plutonium
Symbol: Pu
Atomic Number: 94
Atomic Weight: 244 (most stable) g/mol
Oxidation States: 4, 6,5,3
Boiling Point: 3505 K
Melting Point: 913 K
Density: 20,2 g/cm3
Electron Configuration: [Rn]5f6,7s2
Acid/Base Properties: Amphoteric
Crystal Structure: Monoclinic
Electronegativity: 1,36
Electrical Conductivity: 0,7 106 (Om cm)-1
Thermal Conductivity: 6,74 W/(m K) (at 300 K)
Specific Heat Capacity: 0,13 J/(g K) (at 300 K)
First Ionization Potential: 6,06
Atomic Volume: 12,32 cm3/mol
Atomic Radius: 1,51 A
Covalent Radius: 1,08 A
Synthetic: Yes
Discovery: 1940; Seaborg; Berkeley, California
Note: shiny metal; radioactive; does not occur naturally; used as nuclear fuel source and in nuclear weapons; obtained from uranium fueled reactors

Name: Americium
Symbol: Am
Atomic Number: 95
Atomic Weight: 243 (most stable) g/mol
Oxidation States: 3, 6,5,4
Boiling Point: 2880 K
Melting Point: 1449 K
Density: 13,7 g/cm3
Electron Configuration: [Rn]5f7,7s2
Acid/Base Properties: Amphoteric
Crystal Structure: Hexagonal
Electronegativity: 1,3
Electrical Conductivity: 0,7 106 (Om cm)-1
Thermal Conductivity: 10 W/(m K) (at 300 K)
First Ionization Potential: 6,0
Atomic Volume: 20,8 cm3/mol
Atomic Radius: 1,84 A
Synthetic: Yes
Discovery: 1944; Seaborg; Chicago, Illinois
Note: shiny metal; radioactive; very rare; does not occur naturally; made by bombarding plutonium with neutrons

Name: Curium
Symbol: Cm
Atomic Number: 96
Atomic Weight: 247 (most stable) g/mol
Oxidation States: 3
Melting Point: 1620 K
Density: 13,7 g/cm3
Electron Configuration: [Rn]5f7,6d1,7s2
Acid/Base Properties: Amphoteric
Electronegativity: 1,3
Thermal Conductivity: 10 W/(m K) (at 300 K)
First Ionization Potential: 6,02
Atomic Volume: 18,3 cm3/mol
Synthetic: Yes
Discovery: 1944; Seaborg; Berkeley, California
Note: shiny metal; radioactive; very rare; does not occur naturally; made by bombarding plutonium with neutrons

Name: Berkelium
Symbol: Bk
Atomic Number: 97
Atomic Weight: 247 (most stable) g/mol
Oxidation States: 3, 4
Density: 14 g/cm3
Electron Configuration: [Rn]5f8,6d1,7s2
Electronegativity: 1,3
Thermal Conductivity: 10 W/(m K) (at 300 K)
First Ionization Potential: 6,23
Synthetic: Yes
Discovery: 1949; Thompson; Berkeley, California
Note: shiny metal; radioactive; very rare; does not occur naturally; made by bombarding plutonium with neutrons

Name: Californium
Symbol: Cf
Atomic Number: 98
Atomic Weight: 251 (most stable) g/mol
Melting Point: 1170 K
Electron Configuration: [Rn]5f10,7s2
Electronegativity: 1,3
Thermal Conductivity: 10 W/(m K) (at 300 K)
First Ionization Potential: 6,3
Synthetic: Yes
Discovery: 1950; Thompson; Berkeley, California
Note: shiny metal; radioactive; extremely rare; does not occur naturally; made by bombarding plutonium with neutrons; used in cancer treatment

Name: Einsteinium
Symbol: Es
Atomic Number: 99
Atomic Weight: 252 (most stable) g/mol
Oxidation States: 3
Melting Point: 1130 K
Electron Configuration: [Rn]5f11,7s2
Electronegativity: 1,3
Thermal Conductivity: 10 W/(m K) (at 300 K)
First Ionization Potential: 6,42
Synthetic: Yes
Discovery: 1952; Choppin; Berkeley, California
Note: shiny metal; radioactive; very rare; does not occur naturally; made by bombarding plutonium with neutrons

Name: Fermium
Symbol: Fm
Atomic Number: 100
Atomic Weight: 257 (most stable) g/mol
Oxidation States: 3
Melting Point: 1800 K
Electron Configuration: [Rn]5f11,7s2
Electronegativity: 1,3
Thermal Conductivity: 10 W/(m K) (at 300 K)
First Ionization Potential: 6,50
Synthetic: Yes
Discovery: 1952; Choppin; Berkeley, California
Note: metal; radioactive; does not occur naturally; made by bombarding plutonium with neutrons; only a few millionths of a gram have been produced

Name: Mendelevium
Symbol: Md
Atomic Number: 101
Atomic Weight: 258 (most stable) g/mol
Oxidation States: 3
Melting Point: 1100 K
Electron Configuration: [Rn]5f13,7s2
Electronegativity: 1,3
Thermal Conductivity: 10 W/(m K) (at 300 K)
First Ionization Potential: 6,58
Synthetic: Yes
Discovery: 1955; Ghiorso; Berkeley, California
Note: metal; radioactive; does not occur naturally; made by bombarding einsteinium with alpha particles, (helium nucleus with two protons and two neutrons); only a few atoms have been produced

Name: Nobelium
Symbol: No
Atomic Number: 102
Atomic Weight: 259 (most stable) g/mol
Oxidation States: 3, 2
Melting Point: 1100 K
Electron Configuration: [Rn]5f14,7s2
Electronegativity: 1,3
Thermal Conductivity: 10 W/(m K) (at 300 K)
First Ionization Potential: 6,65
Synthetic: Yes
Discovery: 1958; Ghiorso; Berkeley, California
Note: metal; radioactive; does not occur naturally; made by bombarding Curium atoms with carbon nuclei; only a few atoms have been produced

Name: Lawrencium
Symbol: Lr
Atomic Number: 103
Atomic Weight: 260 (most stable) g/mol
Oxidation States: 3
Melting Point: 1900 K
Electron Configuration: [Rn]5f14,6d1,7s2
Electronegativity: 1,3
Thermal Conductivity: 10 W/(m K) (at 300 K)
Synthetic: Yes
Discovery: 1961; Ghiorso; Berkeley, California
Note: metal; radioactive; does not occur naturally; made by bombarding Californium atoms with boron nuclei; only a few atoms have been produced

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